Differences Between Linear Screen and Circular Vibrating Screen


Vibrating screens are very important in material handling and screening because they separate objects based on size and shape. Linear and circular screens are two types of moving screens that are often used. These screens all have different qualities and can be used for different things. In this piece, we’ll look at the main differences between linear and circular moving screens, including how they’re made, their pros and cons, and what they’re usually used for.

Differences Between Linear Screen and Circular Vibrating Screen

Design and Motion

  • Linear Screen

Linear moving screens are different because the material moves in a straight line as it goes forward. Most of the time, they have one or more screening decks on top of each other. The shaking is caused by two motors or “exciters” on the sides of the screen that are not balanced. With this straight motion, objects can be screened well in a single direction.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular moving screens move in a circle, just like their name says. They use eccentric weights at the top and bottom of the shaft to make it move in a circle. This action is especially useful when the material needs to be spread out properly over the whole screen area. Most circular screens have only one deck, but they can also have more than one.

Screening Efficiency

  • Linear Screen

Linear screens are great for jobs that require exact sorting and high screening efficiency. They are good at cutting and measuring materials, ensuring the bits are spread out evenly and fully screened. Linear screens are used extensively in mining, material processing, and recycling businesses.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular vibrating screens are the best choice when the main goal is to spread the material widely across the screen deck. This rotating action keeps things from getting stuck together and ensures the screening is done more thoroughly. Circular screens are often used in industries like food processing, chemistry, and medicine, where materials need to be handled carefully.


  • Linear Screen

Linear screens are very flexible and can deal with a wide range of materials, even ones that are rough or heavy. They are perfect for uses that need to separate particles very precisely, and they can be made to fit different needs by using different types of screen media.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens are also very useful, but they work best in situations where materials need to be spread out and handled gently. They are often used in businesses that need to do fine screening and sorting.

Maintenance and Operation

  • Linear Screen

Linear moving screens are usually made with simple patterns that are easy to keep up. Maintenance mostly consists of regular checks, greasing, and replacing damaged parts when necessary.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Due to their odd weights and the way they move in a circle, circular screens may have more complicated patterns. Even though they are usually dependable, the eccentric weights and other parts that make them move in a circle may need more care during upkeep.

Noise and Energy Efficiency

  • Linear Screen

Because they move in a straight line, linear screens are often quieter and use less energy than circular moving screens.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens can make more noise and may use a little bit more energy because they need oddly shaped weights to move in a circle.

Screening Angle

  • Linear Screen

Most linear screens have a viewing position that is either set or can be changed. This position changes how the object moves on the screen, and it can be changed for different uses.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens always have the same angle because they move in a circle. This angle can’t be changed, which may make it less useful for some uses where the screening angle needs to be changed.

Material Flow Direction

  • Linear Screen

The material moves in one direction along the length of the screen, so it can be used in places where only one way of material flow is needed.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens spread things out evenly in all directions across the area of the screen. This makes them perfect for situations where it’s important to spread things out evenly.

Particle Shape and Size

  • Linear Screen

Linear screens work well to separate particles based on their size and shape, so they can be used in situations where exact particle classification is needed.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens work best when the shape and size of the particles are less important, and the main goal is to ensure they are spread out evenly.

Application Examples

  • Linear Screen

Linear screens are often used to get rid of big rocks in the mining industry, sort particles in the chemistry industry, and get rid of water in wastewater treatment plants.

  • Circular Vibrating Screen

Circular screens are used in businesses like food processing (to separate flour or sugar) and farmland (to sort grains and seeds).


Linear screens and circular vibrating screens are both types of screening tools, but they are different in how they are made, how they move, and what they are used for. Linear screens are great for separating particles exactly, while circular screens are great for distributing materials evenly. The choice between the two rests on the application’s needs, such as the type of material being screened, how fast the screening needs to be, and how much upkeep is needed. Knowing the differences between these screens is essential to get the most out of material handling in various businesses.

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